
Set a countdown timer to remind you when a certain amount of time has elapsed

By @timdiekmannV0.2.0
  • ValidationError: instance requires property "initialDuration"

The Timer block provides a countdown timer with a novel UI. The remaining time is communicated with numbers and with a circular gradient, which shrinks in size counterclockwise towards 00:00. The number of minutes can be set by typing or by clicking plus and minus buttons, which add or subtract time in five minute chunks, while a reset button stops the countdown and restores the time remaining.

The block uses the Graph Service to persist its countdown through sessions and reloads. When the play button is clicked, the block calls the updateEntities method and sets targetDateTime to current time + initialDuration. When the timer reaches 00:00, targetDateTime is not unset to avoid duplicate entity updates if the timer is rendered in multiple places. If the value of targetDateTime points to the past, it is interpreted as undefined.

The Timer block accepts:

  • initialDuration [string] – ISO 8601 duration
  • pauseDuration [string][optional] – ISO 8601 duration
  • targetDateTime [string][optional] – ISO 8601 date and time

For example:

  • "PT42M24S" corresponds to 42 minutes and 24 seconds in ISO 8601 duration format
  • "2022-01-31T12:00:00.000Z" means January 31st, 2022 at 12:00:00 PM UTC in ISO 8601 date and time format

Detailed format descriptions can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601.

The only required property is the initial timer duration (initialDuration). It needs to be between 1 second ("PT1S") and 99 minutes 59 seconds ("PT99M59S").

Invalid property values are auto-corrected to prevent runtime errors.

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